On-line phase holdup estimation in two-phase systems
Samad Banisi
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On-line phase holdup measurement and analysis in flotation columns, McGill University
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The available methods of holdup estimation in two-phase systems are reviewed. Special attention is given to two methods, one based on conductivity and the second based on pressure difference measurements. These two methods were used to estimate phase holdup in two-phase systems (solid-water and gas-water) in a laboratory flotation column (10 cm in diameter and 447 cm in height). Fundamental concepts underlying the conductivity technique and the effect of relevant parameters, e.g., temperature and cell constant on the phase holdup estimation, are discussed. Holdup estimates from both methods were in good agreement with the actual holdup values as determined by an isolating technique. Provided that the necessary precautions (in particular, calibration of the pressure transducers) are taken, holdup estimates using the pressure difference and conductivity-based techniques are comparable.